
Encouragement!  Life and ministry run on encouragement!  Sharing with our District School of Ministry leaders last night at the District Ministry Center we looked at Hebrews 12.  First we are to run with “endurance” the race set before us. vs. 1.  If it wasn’t a difficult or challenging race there would be no need to endure.  It would instead be “a walk in the park.”  But we are encouraged to endure in our race as we are surrounded by a company of witnesses or should we say “cheer leaders” encouraging us on.   I am so grateful for the encouragement of others.  Although we don’t live for others praise, it sure helps to know that you aare appreciated and loved!  Jesus is our example and is to be the object of our attention “lest we become weary and discouraged. . . ” vs.3   He was up against it with those who were hostile towards Him all that He came to do.  No shock that we can face similar opposition.  It’s encouraging to know we are in good company with the Lord Jesus.

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